cPanel te tangata ngāwari, te kahu me te uira.
- Unlimited websites
- Unlimited space
- Unlimited bandwidth*
- 1000 email accounts**
- Unlimited MySQL databases (1 GB ea.)
- 2X Processing power & memory (available for Linux/cPanel only)
- Premium DNS
- 1-year SSL certificate to secure customer data and increase search rankings. Included with annual plans only.***
*Kaua e whakatepea te rahi o te rokiroki me te hōkaiipurangi i tō pae ka taea te whakamahi i te roa o te complies me tō Kirimana. Me whiwhi te hōkaiipurangi paetukutuku, te whakamahinga rokiroki rānei i te mōrea ki te taimautanga, mahinga, uptime rānei o ō tūmau, mā mātou koe e whakamōhio mā te īmēra, ā, ka hiahiatia pea hei whakapai ake, ka taea rānei te rāhui i ngā rauemi e whakamahi ana i tō paetukutuku. He tino onge tērā he paetukutuku takahi to mātau Kirimana, ā, ka kite anake i ngā pae e whakamahia ana mō te tiri kōnae, rokiroki rānei.
**Email account storage is limited to 1000 email accounts with 1 GB of total storage.
***After the initial free year, the certificate will automatically renew at the then-current price until canceled. You can cancel your automatic renewal certificate at any time.