The WHOIS database is a list of all single domains currently registered in the world.
The Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers (ICANN) hloka dikhampase neileng tetlelelosemmuso joaloka ho phatlalatsa Registry o ikgokaganywago, pōpo ea domain name le matlha a tla felloa ke matla le ho fumana boitsebiso bo tse ling tse ka lethathamo WHOIS hang ha domain name le o ngolisoa ka molao.
Ho boloka dintlha tsa hao ka seqo, ho tloha ho oela matsohong a fosahetseng, Live Hoster offers Ngodiso ya poraefete ka molekane rona, Domains By ele. Ho ena le ho bontša tsebiso ya gago ho polokelongtshedimosetso WHOIS hore bohle ba bona, Domains By ele tla nka sebaka sa eona le bona. The domain name tla ntse e matleng a hae ho uena – ntle le hona joale, uena le domains By ele e tla ba bona feela ba e tseba.
bakeng sa likhoebo, offers Deluxe Registration. sebelisa ena “karete ea ka thoeng khoebo” ho khanna ka har'a sephethephethe ho ya hao websaeteng le eketsa finyella boiteko ba hao ba leng teng tsa mebaraka – ntle le sehlabelo khupamarama ya gago. Bakeng sa domains u ke ke ua khona ho ba felloa ke, ho na le o ile a sireletsa Ngodiso. Ho thibela phetiso domain name ka phoso kapa kotsi 'me e akarelletsa Poraefete le Business Ngodiso FREE.