The WHOIS database is a list of all single domains currently registered in the world.
The Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers (ICANN) ufuna ababhalisi accredited ezifana ukupapasha iinkcukacha qhagamshelana kobhalisileyo, indalo domain kunye nemihla kokuphela nezinye iinkcukacha kuhlu Whois ngokukhawuleza njengokuba domain ebhalisiwe.
Ukuze ugcine idata yakho yobuqu evela ukweyela ezandleni ephosakeleyo, Live Hoster offers Registration Private through our partner, Domains By Proxy. Instead of displaying your personal information in the WHOIS database for all to see, Domains By Proxy will replace it with their own. The domain will still belong to you – except now, you and Domains By Proxy will be the only ones who know it.
For businesses, offers Deluxe Registration. Use this “virtual business card” to drive traffic to your website and increase the reach of your existing marketing efforts – without sacrificing your privacy. Kuba domain awunako ukuba ulahlekelwe, kukho Registration Protected. Oku kuthintela transfers domain ngengozi okanye eyingozi yaye ibandakanya Private kunye Business Registration FREE.